Sunday, July 15, 2012

Israel Attraction for the Tourists

The tour to the holy land of Israel is an amazing experience. There are thousands of tourists visiting Israel; not just for the purpose of traveling, but to perform the religious duty as well, in order to come closer to the religion. There are numerous Israel attractions that become difficult for the pilgrim to choose from. Therefore, it is better to hire a travel agent who will guide you best, regarding the Israel attractions. 

Some of the best tours to Israel attraction sites for tourists include: Nazareth tours, Jerusalem tours, Bethlehem and Jerico trips. Whenever you plan a visit to Israel, don’t forget to visit these cities. The famous holy Israel attractions include: the Western Wall and the temple mount of Jerusalem, the garden tomb, the church of the Holy Sepulchre, the church of the nativity-Bethlehem and the shepherd’s field. These Israel attractions are of great significance and make you go back in the history. In addition to these places, there are numerous Israel attractions for the pilgrims and tourists, like Caesarea, which is the historic roman city near the Mediterranean, Tel Aviv Jaffa, and Mount Hermon. 

Cities to Visit in Israel

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